If you have big dreams for your landscape this year, now is a great time to map out what you want and create a wish list so you can hit the ground running when spring arrives.
While you may not know where to begin with your spring landscape preparations, you can rest assured knowing that Rooted In Nature is available to help you achieve a healthier, greener lawn.

We've compiled a guide to help you in your spring planning endeavors.
What Do I Need To Know About Spring Planning?
Start with the basics. There are certain universal and fundamental activities that you can do now to prepare your outdoor area for the upcoming warm seasons. Depending on the zone you are in, it might be too cold to do some of the things on this list right now. However, you can prepare by purchasing materials, doing spot checks and setting dates on your calendar to begin as soon as temperatures rise.
Inspect. Take a walk around your property to check out the state of your trees and shrubs while looking for signs of damage or illness. You may need to remove items that did not survive during the winter and trim branches that are broken or damaged.
Test. If you haven’t tested your soil in a few years, it’s time. Checking every two to three years for the proper pH balance and mix of nutrients can set you up for success in the spring. Soil testing kits are usually available at your local nursery. Oftentimes, your lawn care service can test your soil, too.
Fertilize. Now that you know the condition of your lawn, you are in a good spot to determine whether or not to fertilize. The results from your soil test can help determine what you need to do regarding fertilization.
Here are some best practices to help you along the way:
Choose a fertilizer that best fits your needs based on your soil test.
Make sure the timing matches the type of grass you have. Not all grasses should be fertilized in the spring.
Choose a slow-release or controlled-release fertilizer to increase nutrient absorption.
Follow proper instructions on how to use the fertilizer you chose for the best results.
Don’t overlook your trees and shrubs. They can benefit from proper fertilization, too.
Weed. When the time is right, weeding should be on the agenda for your spring lawn prep. Start by raking and clearing debris, then work on removing weeds.
Mulch. Spring is a great time to add a layer of mulch (or another type of ground covering) to your plant beds and around your trees. Laying an inch-thick of mulch material will help the soil retain moisture, keep roots cool in the summer and insulate roots in the winter.
Water. Well, maybe not yet. Get ready for the watering season by inspecting your sprinkler system and hoses so they're ready to go when the time is right.
What Are Common Landscaping Mistakes And How Do I Avoid Them?
Planting things that are not good for your soil and climate. Be sure to select grasses, plants, flowers, trees and shrubs that match your environment. A common mistake is to choose plants that will not thrive (or survive) in your zone.
Starting without a plan. Jumping into your spring landscaping project without a plan can waste time and money. For better chances of success, lay out your entire landscaping vision and what it will entail before you start, then narrow down your plan based on available resources, time and your budget.
Not researching local pests. From rabbits and squirrels to insects, your local pests are attracted to certain plants and flowers. Avoiding their favorites or protecting your new garden from pests is a key step not to overlook.
Ignoring attention to timing. Understanding when to plant, trim, fertilize and water is essential to help your landscape thrive.
We work with residential and commercial lawns across Maryland - especially in Baltimore and Harford counties. Call us today at 443-846-0199 or email info@rootedinnaturemd.com to learn more and schedule a consultation with our lawn care experts.