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What to prune in Summer


Updated: May 1, 2024

In zones where winter has put plants in sleep mode, like Maryland, now’s the best time to prune certain specimens. Use heading cuts to prune back to a healthy bud and promote side branching, and thinning cuts, which take the branch to the nearest limb, to maintain the plant’s shape. Snip smart, and you’ll see more blooms and thicker foliage.

What to prune in early Summer

Summer-flowering deciduous shrubs

These are shrubs that bloom on new growth, such as butterfly bush, rose of Sharon, and crape myrtle.

When and why: These are still dormant in late winter/early spring, making it easy to see your cuts—and they’ll heal up quickly with the flush of new growth in spring, which is when the shrubs set the summer’s buds.

Random-branching conifer trees and shrubs

Examples of conifer trees and shrubs include arborvitae, juniper, yew, and holly.

When and why: Prune in late Spring to early Summer, once lighter-colored new growth appears, which gives time for cuts to heal and new buds to form. Use thinning cuts back to the main stem to tame overgrown shrubs; for heading cuts, prune back to a branch that has needles or leaves on it so new growth can sprout.

Deciduous perennial vines

These types of vines bloom on new growth, such as trumpet vine, climbing hydrangea, and Boston ivy.

When and why: Heading cuts in Summer control growth and encourage branching. Ivies can be trimmed anytime, but save heavy shaping of deciduous varieties for late winter/early spring, before leaves appear.

Should you need help starting your Summer landscaping off right, please contact Rooted In Nature today at 443-846-0199 or email

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