June is National Safety Month and a great time to talk about mower safety. The U.S. Consumer Products Safety Commission estimates more than 37,000 Americans suffer a power mower-related injury each year.

1. Wear the proper footwear
Sandals and summer go together like peanut butter and chocolate, but not when you’re running a push mower.
It’s true that a spinning blade can slash through a leather shoe or boot too, but the main reason sandals are a poor choice is that they’re less stable and don’t offer much traction. A trip, slip or stumble could cause you to come in contact with moving or hot parts on the mower. Sandals are a hazard with riding mowers too; they increase the odds of pinching or stubbing a toe when mounting lawn tractors or zero-turn mowers.
2. Be mindful of children
Driving or pushing a mower around the yard is not the place for young children to show their parents how well they can “help.” Keep toddlers inside when mowing, and don’t let kids under 12 operate a push mower or kids under 16 run a rider. And avoid the temptation of giving your grandson a spin around the yard—lawn tractors and zero-turn mowers are designed for one person.
3. Pick Up rocks, sticks and other debris
If you prefer non-shattered windows on your home or the neighbor’s car, then pick up stones, branches, toys, sprinklers and other items before you start mowing. It’s one of the most basic safety tips for yard equipment. If you do miss something and notice it while you’re mowing, don’t wait until you mow over to the spot. Stop the mower and pick it up right away so you don’t forget about it.
4. Don’t mow gravel
Never cross over a gravel path or driveway with the blades engaged. And if you live on a gravel road, mow grass near gravel only when there are no cars or pedestrians passing by. Launching rocks at your neighbors is not a good way to build relationships!
5. Don’t pull the lawn mower backward
Whenever possible, try not to pull a lawn mower toward you. If you slip, you could end up pulling the mower right on top of you. This is a real hazard, and you could lose a foot, or worse.
6. Don’t leave the keys in your mower
It seems obvious, but leaving the keys in your lawn mower (if it has a key start) is asking for trouble. For one, what kid doesn’t love to sit on a mower and pretend they’re driving it, but if you leave the key in there, they might actually do just that. A lawn mower sitting in the driveway with the key in the ignition is also an attractive target for thieves.
Should you need help maintaining your summer landscaping, please contact Rooted In Nature today at 443-846-0199 or email info@rootedinnaturemd.com.